Uesaka Sumire’s Twitter and Instagram Account is Now Closed

Unfortunate and unwanted things happened to seiyuu Uesaka Sumire, also known as her nickname Sumipe. About 15 months ago, specifically on March 3, 2016, we got a news that Sumipe would leave her twitter account for awhile. After several months without activities, Sumipe returned to her twitter account again. The number of her followers have been…

Satou Satomi Announced her Marriage with Terashima Takuma

A (heart) breaking news! Seiyuu Satou Satomi has announced her marriage with fellow seiyuu Terashima Takuma on her blog. It seems that 2016-2017 is the year where two Satou(s) got married. The other Satou is Satou Rina by the way. You can check directly on her blog if you understood Japanese language of course.  Or…